Christmas cards are a wonderful way to wish family and friends a happy holiday season but can be very expensive. There are a few ways you can save some money on them.
1. Purchase photo cards through Shutterfly, Snapfish or Tiny Prints. Near the holidays, you can frequently find coupon codes to get these cards for a very reasonable price. Check websites such as Retail Me Not or blogs like Money Saving Mom for coupon codes that make these cards a steal.
2. Make your own. If you are a scrapbooker or crafter, you probably have many of the supplies you would need to create beautiful handmade cards on hand. Another idea is to create Christmas cards using your child's artwork. Have your child create a footprint Rudolph or a thumbprint Christmas tree. Copy and resize to use as the cover of your cards.
3. Purchase Christmas cards after Christmas. You can often find boxes of Christmas cards at after Christmas sales for 75-90% off. Box them up with the rest of your Christmas accessories and use them the following year.
4. For a non-traditional approach, send e-cards to friends and family. 123 Greetings and Hallmark offer a variety of e-cards free of charge.
5. Hand deliver your cards. Stamps can be very expensive, especially if you are sending lots of Christmas cards. For friends and family members that you see regularly, attach cards to Christmas presents or simply deliver during a visit.
What ideas do you have for saving on Christmas cards?
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