Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goals for the New Year

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 I have never been one to create New Year's resolutions.  I am more of a list-maker and find that I am better at reaching my goals when they are broken down into more attainable, realistic statements.  This past month, I created a pinboard that showed 25 projects I wanted to complete with my kids.  And guess what?  We completed almost every project with very few exceptions!  Because this was so effective for me, I've decided to create a list of goals I would like to accomplish this year, broken down into several categories.


  • Try at least 1 new recipe each week and, if time allows, write a blog post reviewing the recipe
  • Create monthly and weekly menu plans with easy, frugal plans based on what is in the pantry/fridge/freezer from sales and continue to share weekly menu plans on this blog.
  • Make a double-batch of one meal or cook at least one item for the freezer every two weeks.
  • Assign chores for the children and create an allowance.
  • Organize and purge from each area of the house, creating a yard sale pile by mid-April
  • Read at least one book a day to each child.
  • Complete at least one art/craft/cooking project per week with the children and, if time allows, blog about the creations.
  • Register my oldest for gymnastics or dance classes
  • Go on at least one family vacation/camping trip.
  • Stick to a $350/month grocery budget through April; decrease budget to $300/month for remainder of year (this ones going to be tough for us as it includes all of our toiletries and diapers for the kids)
  • Decrease spending on restaurants.
  • Read at least 15 new books this year, including more nonfiction texts.
  • Try 6 new DIY projects (still have to decide on what these will be--details to come)
  • Go on at least one date each month, whether at home or going out somewhere.
  • Make an effort to do more unexpected, thoughtful things for my husband (starting with his weeklong birthday surprised, to be shared next week).

What are your goals for the new year?

1 comment:

  1. It inspires and encourages me to read the goals that others are setting for the new year! I love how you've broken your goals down into categories and made them simple and measurable. I enjoy setting goals for the new year, too - it always seems to motivate me to do better in all areas of life!
